
How to roll back steam game update
How to roll back steam game update

how to roll back steam game update

If most of these companies are just now starting to transition to rollback than how long do we need to wait for crossplay. Plus if Firaxis releases an official map like that, I have no reason to search for mods.Click to shrink.My post was a reply to someone hoping to see crossplay as a standard for fighting games, not just rollback netcode. I'm pretty much aware Ynamp is not an official Firaxis release, yet same crashes happen even when playing on vanilla maps I7 8700k (barely overclocked at 4.9Ghz just for the sake of o/c, 16gb ddr4 win10 etc My rig is the same as described in the thread above^^ YNAMP giant earth, around 20sh civs just launched sattelite and revealed all natural wonders and you know the rest. Mind that civ 6 is the best civ in series so far, and I play since 1992 with an old 80286 on floppies.īut without that tiny little polishing me and maybe some others are requesting, it becomes frustrating without a reason, and that's why I want to roll back Sorry for the long post and hope you understand But now like this I can't enjoy the base game and rise and fall dlc already owned prior to gs. If firaxis could actually focus on fixing these crashes, fix the jerseys, fix the ynamp compatibility and maybe do something with the - 5 diplo on cities that are not conquested but flipped, then I would not mind having the dlc I paid for as extra fun.

how to roll back steam game update how to roll back steam game update

In many ways I feel that although many of the new things that came with gs and new updates are fun, me being a player that already has 1500+ hours on civ 6 and about the same on 5 and 4, I would give up anytime natural disasters for a great civ game with many civs. This is causing me some frustration cause mods aside, I do get crashes when I play vanilla maps with lots of civs eg 16+, jersey system is still faulty and now, Eleanor also is not just nerfed but totally crippled If she was a male character I would use the word castrated.

How to roll back steam game update