What you're looking for is a file named after your character with an.

If you have a 64-bit system, for most people, the file path will beĬ:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\ That's the folder one up from the Data folder and it contains both the Data folder and the Skyrim.exe. Once Skyrim has shut down, you can verify that your character's appearance was exported successfully by looking in the Skyrim installation folder. If you get an error, double-check that you typed both the command and your character's name correctly (you may need to exit ~ the console to verify this) and then try again. If something does go wrong, the console will probably give you an error message of some kind. If everything goes according to plan, the console will appear to do nothing and you can exit the console by typing ~ and then exit the game. Type SPF followed by a space and then the name of your character exactly as it appears in-game, then press Enter.įor my follower Tannuck, I would type: SPF Tannuck. Once the console is open, you're going to use the SavePCFace command to export your character's appearance: Optional: Edit the DialogueFollower quest to remove the default bow and arrows from all followers.In the Character Gen Parts tab, click 'Import' and import YourCharactersName.npc.The LightFoot perk is useful to avoid springing traps when sneaking. Safe spells are spells that have a hand assigned. They do not cast Illusion spells or spells that heal others without scripting. Give them weapons and whatever else you think they should have. Pick a Default Outfit (armor or clothing) or optionally add the armor to their inventory.

Set Assistance to Helps Friends and Allies.

Exit the character creation screen and save your game.